The VA owns and is responsible for sections of the original boundary wall to the estate between Tesco and the Vets building, and from the Vets down to the Elizabeth Court boundary.
Chartered Building Surveyors, advising the VA, have examined the condition of this wall and a project has started to remove vegetation growing in the wall, re-point, and re-rendering where necessary. The work is to prevent further deterioration and to extend its useful life. This work will run into October and will be funded from reserves and will not affect the service charge.
The work is being undertaken by Ade Tullett of Goldstar Brickwork, a very experienced bricklayer and contractor, who is used to working with historic buildings, complex structures, and difficult repairs. He has worked on Grade I and II Listed Buildings, for the likes of Surrey Wildlife Trust, Oxford College, and various other conservation trusts etc. Recently, he has completed repairs to a Grade II Listed wall in Reigate which was in a dangerous and unstable condition.
There are significant sections of the wall which are in the ownership of residents who abut the wall and the VA is asking Hazelvine to inform the various wall owners of this project on ‘our’ walls. It is believed that some areas of wall in private ownership will also need maintenance that could be done on a cost-effective basis while our contractor is working on site, but this is a matter for the individual owners.