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AGM Summary

The Village Association AGM was held on the 24 November. Due to COVID, this was an online AGM using Zoom.

The meeting was attended by around 12 residents who were taken through the work of the VA during the year as well as the areas of focus for 2021 along with the audited accounts for 2019 and the budget for next year, which shows a 2% increase.

The VA’s work during 2020 was presented and included the following areas of focus:

• Wardens : The Warden service has patrolled over 627 miles this year.

• CCTV : Increased CCTV coverage inside The Village - which acts as both a deterrent and a tool for interacting with the Police.

• Acacia : The landscaping team have planted approximately 400 new plants and continually address the seasonally challenging weeds.

• Communications : The VA have continued with quarterly newsletters and distributed the #viralkindness postcard during the first lockdown.

• Engagement : The VA’s work with Tandridge District Council, The Parish Council

• Signage improvements : Including ‘No Parking’ signs.

• Maintenance : This includes the repairs to the Boundary Fence, trees and street furniture with The Village.

For 2021, the VA action list includes…

• A comprehensive tree survey

• Planning for the 2022 Capex spending

• Resident surgeries (Covid dependant)

• Increased engagement with businesses inside The Village

•. Develop the relationship with the Police, CBCT and the Social Housing Trusts who manage properties in The Village.

During the meeting Village Association Members were able to vote on the 3 Ordinary Resolutions and Proxy votes were included.

Simon Nunn was re-elected as Business Director and the appointments of both Jane Stephens and Gary Leatherby were ratified.

Several questions were raised from the floor (Zoom attendees) including discussions about

• the travellers who visited the Cricket Green in the summer of 2019

• the proposed 2% increase in the service charge and subsequent discussion about the need to keep reserves to smooth cash flow between quarters.

• Road safety on Guards Avenue.

The VA thank those residents who were able to attend and the Hazelvine team for the technical arrangements. Using Zoom as the platform could be viewed as a success, but is no replacement for face-to-face AGMs.

Resident questions do not have to be limited to AGM’s though. The VA are happy to receive questions anytime to

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