The Village Association (VA) AGM was held on Wednesday 20 November 2024 at The Officers Mess, Coldstream Road.
The meeting was attended by VA Directors and representatives from Anthem Management. Alasdair James from the Warden Service and residents from circa 15 properties joined the meeting.
Jane Stephens chaired the meeting and started by introducing the Directors and Associates. Thanks, and a round of applause was extended to Jon Forde for his time, work and commitment to the VA over the last 9 years as both Chair and a Director.
This was followed by a review of the VA’s work during 2024 which included:
• The focus this year has been on carrying out the work recommended to the trees as a result of the tree survey undertaken in 2023. There are around 360 trees on the development. The urgent work was undertaken in October 2023. Expert Trees submitted the winning tender to undertake the rest of the work, most of which was completed in August 2024. Other work was put on hold because of nesting birds. Discussion concerning further work to the trees in Alexander Crescent will be resumed in 2025.
• The other key piece of work this year has been the residents’ surveys regarding the services provided by the Wardens and Acacia. These two services represent a high proportion of the of the budget and service charges expenditure and the VA wanted to engage with residents to gain insight into their thoughts on the service being received. For both the Wardens and Acacia the comments were overwhelmingly positive regarding the work with some concerns being raised over the costs. We took on board the comments about costs and carried out an exercise to compare costs with other similar contractors. From that exercise the Board was satisfied that we are receiving value for money for the level of services provided. Other feedback from residents was communicated to both the Wardens and Acacia and this has been taken on board.
• Smaller maintenance work has also been carried during 2024 such as repairs to visitor parking signs, road signs, clearance of the drains and gullies to avoid flooding and, as requested last year, the replacement of a damaged bench by the children’s playground using a refurbished one.
• An overview of the work and challenges dealt with by the Warden team over the past 12 months was given. This included anti-social behaviour including anti-social driving, resident-notified crime, parking incidents, providing intelligence reports to the Police such as requesting groups to disperse and reporting drugs use.
• An overview of the work and challenges faced throughout the year by our landscaping contractor, Acacia was also provided.
• Finally, an overview of the VA’s engagement with residents and members undertaken throughout the year.
The VA outlined its plans and focus for 2025 which includes:
• Reviewing capital expenditure with a view to increasing the reserve funds in terms of planning for future repairs and maintaining the site.
• Carrying out essential maintenance.
• Completing the final pieces of work highlighted in the tree survey.
• Focus on recruiting new directors and/or associates to the Board.
• Continuing our liaison with Tandridge DC to ensure the playground is repaired and then maintained.
• Ongoing engagement with residents, CBCT, Tandridge DC, Surrey CC, Surrey Police and Parish Councils.
Simon Nunn presented the year end accounts for 2023 and the 2025 budget. The final spend for the year to 31 December 2023 was reviewed and discussed as was the budget for 2025, with a specific mention to increasing the reserve funds.
Resolutions and voting for appointment and re-appointment to the VA Board.
• Danny Ellis was appointed as a Resident Director for the next three years.
The meeting was followed with a general Q&A session where questions included the quality of the paintwork on some of the flats, particularly Elizabeth House, the need for more bins at the flats in Weston Drive, the level of the service charge arrears, the regular build-up of rubbish in the Toy Store, the need for road markings to be repainted by SCC and parking spaces in Weston Drive.
The VA board wish to thank all those who attended. We look forward to continuing our engagement with residents, businesses, and all users of The Village over the coming year.